Nexteria Jobs: Týchto 23 pozícií sme pre teba vybrali vo februári!

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  3. Nexteria Jobs: Týchto 23 pozícií sme pre teba vybrali vo februári!

Prieskumy ukazujú, že naberať prax počas školy je veľmi dôležité. Veď si len spomeň na svoj posledný pohovor – pýtali sa ťa na známku z matiky, alebo na to, aké úspechy si už v živote dosiahol, či na tvoje mimoškolské aktivity? Aby si mohol svoje skills posunúť ešte ďalej, pripravili sme pre teba vyše 20 horúcich pozícií, ktoré čakajú len na teba. Vyber si tú svoju ?

?.?.: Ak tvoje CVčko ešte nie je 100-percentné, vyšperkovať ho môžeš napr. tu: 

Sme popredná globálna spoločnosť poskytujúca široké spektrum odborných služieb a riešení v oblasti strategických, konzultačných, digitálnych a technologických služieb a služieb v oblasti prevádzky podnikov. 

S viac ako 459,000 zamestnancami na celom svete poskytujeme služby klientom vo viac ako 120 krajinách. Na Slovensku pôsobíme viac ako 25 rokov a zamestnávame približne 1.700 ľudí. Ak ťa zaujme niektorá z našich pozícií, rovno nám pošli životopis na

➡️ Junior Infrastructure Consultant 

Chceš pomáhať a radiť veľkým firmám ako zlepšiť ich IT infraštruktúru?

Zaujímajú ťa server virtualization technológie, konfigurácia úložísk, či administrácia OS MS Windows, Linux? Pridaj sa k nám! 

Že zatiaľ nemáš dostatočné znalosti IT Infraštruktúry? Ak si analytický typ a svet IT ťa láka, nie je to žiadna prekážka, práve naopak – hľadáme totiž práve teba!  Na tejto pozícií sa naučíš pracovať s technológiami ako je x86 HW, storage virtualization, Windows/Linux administrácia, LAN/WAN (Cisco).

Viac informácií o pozícii pozri tu:

➡️ Junior Java Developer 

Chceš pracovať s novými technológiami a máš základné skúsenosti s Javou? Poznáš iné OOP jazyky a databázy? Pošli nám životopis! 

Na tejto pozícií budeš navrhovať a programovať custom – build riešenia, založené na Java Enterprise technológiách a ďalších frameworkoch, pod supervíziou seniorných kolegov.

Viac informácií o pozícii pozri tu:

➡️ Junior SAP Consultant – s Nemčinou

Hovoríš nemecky, poznáš SAP systém a pracoval si v niektorom z jeho modulov?Lákalo by ťa stať sa nielen SAP userom, ale časom aj SAP Consultantom? Skús šťastie u nás!

Na tejto pozícii postupne spoznáš architektúru SAPu a budeš mať možnosť prispôsobovať SAP systém pre našich zahraničných klientov.

Viac informácií o pozícii pozri tu:

Spoločnosť ESET je jednou z najinovatívnejších spoločností v oblasti bezpečnosti softvéru, s 30 ročnými skúsenosťami vo výskume a vývoji a s viac ako 1600 zamestnancami na piatich kontinentoch. Dnes je ESET považovaný za 4. najväčsieho globálneho dodávateľa IT bezpečnosti. Technológia NOD32 chráni viac ako 100 miliónov používateľov vo viac ako 200 krajinách a územiach a pravidelne získava nezávislé obchodné a spotrebiteľské ocenenia.

➡️ Mobile Developer

Chceš sa stať developerom pre naše mobilné aplikácie?  Ak si absolvent alebo študent 4. – 5. ročníka a máš záujem o Android, si náš človek! Budeš pracovať v uvoľnenej tímovej atmosfére a naviac  dostaneš veľký priestor zamakať na sebe vďaka seniorným kolegom, ktorí tvoje nápady ocenia, prípadne ešte vyšperkujú. Okrem flexibilného pracovného času sa môžeš tešiť na vlastný mobilný telefón, raňajky, ovocie, telocvičňu či teambuildingové akcie. Po náročnom dni môžeš zrelaxovať pri stolnom futbale alebo stolnom tenise.

ESET bude navyše prispievať na tvoje cestovné výdavky a bude ťa finančne podporovať počas dôležitých životných udalostí, ako sú svadba alebo narodenie dieťaťa.  Staň sa jedným z nás a pošli nám svoj životopis!

Viac informácií nájdeš tu:

Okrem práce vo tíme ťa povzbudzujeme, aby sa ti podarilo dosiahnuť tvoj osobný potenciál a pomáhame ti rásť. Ponúkame ti vynikajúce príležitosti, vzrušujúce úlohami a individuálnu podporou tvojej kariéry.

Ísť ďalej, rýchlejšie a byť #StrongerTogether! To je naše motto a dôvod, prečo máme v Mahle hviezdny tím. Naša vášeň z nás urobila popredného medzinárodného rozvojového partnera a dodávateľa pre automobilový priemysel, ako aj priekopníka mobility budúcnosti. V súčasnosti pracuje na inovatívnych výrobkoch v 160 výrobných lokalitách a 16 významných vývojových centrách viac ako 79 000 zamestnancov. Naším cieľom je formovať mobilitu zajtrajška.


➡️ Projektový manažér pre R&D

Máš skúsenosti s projektovým manažmentom a láka ťa automobilový priemysel? Pošli nám životopis a zisti, či sa hodíš do nášho súkolia! Aké výzvy ťa budú na pozícii čakať? Čítaj ďalej. 

  • Kontrola sériového chodu projektov HVAC, riadenie zmien, optimalizáciu nákladov a zisku,
  • zodpovednosť za splnenie cieľov projektu a rozpočtu,
  • komunikácia so zákazníkmi a dodávateľmi,
  • globálny zmenový manažment (SAP, GTA+).

Čaká ťa mnoho ďalších povinností a zodpovedností, ale aj benefitov a radosti. Viac o pozícii sa dočítaš tu:

➡️ Test Engineer (HVAC) 

In addition to work in a great team, we encourage you to reach your personal potential and through outstanding learning and development opportunities. Exciting assignments and personalized support for your career are available to you. What do we require: 

  • University degree (Engineer) in mechanical engineering, energy engineering (best: air conditioning)
  • Minimum 2-3 years of job experience in automotive industry
  • Good knowledge of Thermo-Fluid dynamics
  • Skills and experience in testing, data analysis and report writing

What do we offer in return: 

  • Ongoing development, training and career opportunities
  • Competitive Salary + flextime
  • Friendly & supportive working environment

More informations about position here:

➡️ Packaging planner

We are seeking exceptional individuals to join the MAHLE Family at our new development centre in Senica, Slovakia. What do we expect of you? 

  • Planning and definition of packaging, cost calculation
  • Alignment of packaging specifications with project team, production plant and customer
  • Design review with suppliers, process planner and production plant
  • Definition of packaging standards, packaging release and hand over.

Do you think this might be the right position for you? Do not hesitate to contact us. Find out more on:

Delivering best-in-class service is just the beginning. At AT&T, we’re dedicated to keeping our customers connected with the people, entertainment and information they care about most. 


➡️ DTAC Engineer – Network Engineer

The Data Test and Activation Engineer (DTAC) is responsible for provisioning support and guidance to IP service customers as well as organizations within AT&T. Data Test and Activation Engineer has a high level of skills on WAN technologies, customer router solutions, backbone device configurations, tools and systems that support the end-to-end WAN circuits. The Data Test and Activation Engineer directs all troubleshooting actions and works with telco, customer and internal AT&T teams to resolve all issues to customer satisfaction.

Key Responsibilities and Accountabilities:

  • Providing support and guidance to BVOIP and ADI customers
  • Conducting testing of voice and data features
  • Coordinating with the vendor to resolve technical issues as well as troubleshooting with customers and peers; performing root cause analysis
  • Implementing changes to new or existing products and features

Find out more about position:

➡️ AT&T Customer Care Representative

As a Customer Care Representative, you’ll be the voice of AT&T for the millions of customers using our U-verse & DIRECTV services – a premiere bundle of advanced TV services, high speed internet, and digital home phone. You’ll play a vital role in shaping the customer experience on everything from general billing and service inquiries to troubleshooting and scheduling repairs. 

To qualify, you will need to be fluent in English (B2-C1 level) and have the flexibility to work in a 24/7 environment to serve our global customer base. Bring your ability to leave a positive impression with our customers and we’ll provide the training, tools and experience you need to develop your career. Experience in a technical or support center is a plus, but is not essential.

Find out more at:


Network Cloud and Infrastructure Operations is responsible for operations, Maintenance, upgrades, trouble – shooting, and scheduling Changes for the infrastructure and network cloud.

  • This Job requires handling Tickets, Changes, Outages, RCA’s for AT&T Integrated Cloud (AIC) Infrastructure (Server) environment built on OpenStack in a 24*7 environment.
  • Handling Tier 1/ Tier 2 Tickets in AIC Server Environment.
  • Creating, reviewing, approving and implementing changes in AIC Server Environment.
  • Restoration of Applications/services in AIC infrastructure from Hardware/ OpenStack/ OS perspective in Outages/ Service degradation scenarios.
  • Upgrade of AIC Virtualized infrastructure(KVM/ ESXi).
  • Co-ordination with Hardware vendors (Dell, HP) for faulty Hardware replacement.

Find out more at:

We are Exponea, an internationally renowned Customer Data Platform – a tool for in-depth analysis and marketing automation for businesses. We work with global e-commerce leaders and other top companies from all over the globe. With offices and customers in many countries, the company spans the globe. The team works with multiple sectors, including e-commerce, banking, and telco and enables sustainable growth for market leader

➡️ Senior Legal Associate

As our Senior Legal Associate you’ll be officially employed by FERRO Legal, advokátní kancelář s.r.o., which is strongly affiliated with Exponea. You will join a small but talented team of lawyers and work on a variety of legal matters, including M&A, corporate structuring, transactions, employment matters and commercial contracts, but also continuous development of skills and knowledge and innovative ways of cooperation and delivering value to technology projects.

As a bonus you’ll be at the epicenter of a scale up company that Exponea is, sharing our playful offices with us.

For more info send an email to

➡️ Business Consultant SK

As our new Business Consultant in Bratislava you’d become a part of Exponea’s second largest department. You’d serve clients and get experience globally (offices in Bratislava, Prague, London, Warsaw, Edinburgh, Moscow, Berlin, New York and Dubai). 

Your responsibilities would include bringing continuous improvement to clients‘ sites, shops or apps (audit web pages and online shops; design, manage and evaluate AB tests; propose changes to enhance customer experience), preparing reports for their business decisions  teaching them how to use Exponea through online channels and on-site visits.

Find out more about position:

➡️ Senior Financial Controller

Exponea FIN team sits at HQ in Bratislava from where we manage 9 entities in 8 countries;

Scope of work is broad not only due to 8 different jurisdictions but also due to the nature of activities – IFRS consolidation, Group financial audit, coordinating external accounting and tax teams in each country, setting up processes and guidelines for local entities, getting familiar with legal specifics of individual countries, being responsible for Group cash-flow management, reporting and forecasting, etc. If you’re a generalist rather than a specialist, this role is the right challenge for you.

Find out more about position:

We are Slovak company and a global leader in SW biometric technology and solutions for identity management. With our innovative and award-winning algorithms for fingerprint matching and facial recognition, we empower all types of organizations around the world to build powerful biometric identification solutions quickly and easily.


➡️ Ruby on Rails Developer

If you enjoy SW development, you wish to improve and have time to do something meaningful in addition to your studies, contact us and we will be happy to talk to you about it!

Your responsibilities will be:

– Back-end & front-end functionalities development in Ruby and in various scripting languages

– Focus on features and code quality (testing, bug fixing)

– Collaboration with the consulting team and product managers

– Working in a great team of developers who share the enthusiasm for the newest technologies

➡️ Algorithm Developer

If you are able to address and resolve open problems and call them a challenge, if you are interested in methods of artificial intelligence and want to apply them to practice, let us talk!

– Implementation of state of the art algorithms in the area of indexing, searching, data structures

– Design, implementation and testing of the selected algorithm

– Implementing knowledge from scientific publications into practice

– Optimization of existing algorithms with a focus on biometrics

– Cooperation with an expert team of programmers.

➡️ Delivery Engineering Technical Support

On this position you will become a part of the Delivery team, supporting System & Service Delivery Engineers and Project managers. Delivery team is a crucial part of our biometric SW product installation, implementation and production.

Within this team you will gain experience with Unix/Linux operation systems, clouds, scripting, databases & monitoring systems. You will be supporting our clients, analyzing and solving their technical issues and you will be communicating  with our internal SW development and consulting teams. On top of that, you will learn more about the biometric domain.


We help organizations across the private, public, and social sectors create change that matters. From the C-suite to the front line, we partner with our clients to transform their organizations in the ways that matter most to them. 

This requires embedding digital, analytics, and design into core processes and mind-sets, and building capabilities that help organizations and people to thrive in an ever-changing context. With exceptional people in 65 countries, we combine global expertise and local insight to help you turn your ambitious goals into reality.

If any of our job offers interest you, drop us CV on:


➡️ Business Analyst

Are you interested in developing and communicating recommendations or present results to client management? Check out our Business Analyst position! 

You’ll work in teams of typically 3 – 5 consultants, playing an active role in all aspects of the client engagement. This includes gathering and analyzing information, formulating and testing hypotheses, and developing and communicating recommendations.  You’ll also have the opportunity to present results to client management and implement recommendations in collaboration with client team members.

More informations about position here:


➡️ Associate

Associates join our offices and practices (e.g. Digital, Marketing & Sales, Operations, etc.) to work in teams and directly with our clients. 

When you join McKinsey as an Associate, you are joining a firm that will challenge you and invest in your professional development. In this role you will work on the best teams to help the best organizations in the world – in private, public, and social sectors – solve their most difficult problems. You will also work with many experts, from data scientists and researchers to software and app designers.

More informations about position here:


➡️ Business Analyst – McKinsey Digital

Based in our Prague office, you will be part of the Digital McKinsey Central Europe consultants network.  

Digital McKinsey brings together the best of McKinsey’s digital capabilities—drawing from our Business Technology Office, McKinsey Digital Labs, and our digital functions and combining them in one cohesive organization. Digital McKinsey not only advises but also builds, operates, and transfers capabilities to help our clients use digital technology to transform their businesses.  

More informations about position here:


We are one of the world’s leading providers of reinsurance, insurance and other forms of insurance-based risk transfer, working to make the world more resilient. It anticipates and manages risk – from natural catastrophes to climate change, from ageing populations to cybercrime. 

The aim of the Swiss Re Group is to enable society to thrive and progress, creating new opportunities and solutions for its clients. The Swiss Re Group operates through a network of around 80 offices globally. We hire for attitude and then train for skills!

If any of our job offers interest you, drop us CV on:


➡️ Reinsurance Account Analyst with English & Spanish 

Client centricity, agility, team spirit, passion to perform, and integrity are things we value. They are at the core of our organization and guide the way we think and act. Come and join us! 

Your responsibilities:

  • Clarify deviations and incorrect data with SR’s internal departments and/or with the clients
  • Data analytics and Cash flow management
  • Business correspondence (call, email etc.) with clients.
  • Data quality control and risk management related activities according to internal guidelines

More informations about position here:


➡️ Junior Accounts Payable

We process supplier invoices and book them to the expense accounts, and we verify correctness of each invoice.

We also process travel expenses of our employees within Swiss Re locations.

We communicate with our branches regarding invoice status, payment dates, discrepancies, and we run various ad hoc reports if necessary

We participate on the quarterly closing activities and perform reconciliations!

More informations about position here:


➡️ Junior Network Partner Coordinator

As a Junior Network Partner Coordinator you will play an important role in the implementation of Global Programmes by being the link between Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Producing Offices, the International Program Managers and the Network Partners around the world. You will coordinate the Network Partner Statement of Account Process as well as ensure local policies are issued and serviced in line with our global client’s requirements, market regulations and SLAs.

More informations about position here:


We’re Vacuumlabs – a design and development partner. As a highly experienced company with the latest technologies across multiple industries, we are expanding at enormous pace. We focus on fintech, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies. We work hard to bring the technology of the 21st century to the banking industry. 

We operate in Bratislava, Košice, Prague, Brno, and Budapest. Working remotely is an option too. If any of our job offers interest you, drop us CV on:

➡️ Software developer

We are always looking for talents to join us, regardless of their experience or tech stack they use. Ever wondered what would it be like to become a software developer? Joins us and find out! 

As software engineer you will:

  • Work on either backend or frontend (or both) depending on your preference.
  • Use technologies from tech stacks we use to develop various parts of the software independently or under supervision (depending on your experience).
  • Peer review your colleagues’ code to sustain high quality
  • Lead your junior colleagues if you are on more experienced position.
  • Optionally, you can have space to prepare and present talks.

Get into the spotlight and complete our little coding challenge! 

More informations about position here:


Zaujala ťa niektorá z ponúk? Dúfame že áno. Ak si si nenašiel svoj vysnívaný job, nezúfaj. Čoskoro pre teba pripravíme novú dávku Nexteria jobov, ktoré budú minimálne rovnako nadupané, ako tieto ?


Ak sa ti nepozdáva ani jedna z uvedených pozícii, poď na Night of Chances a nájdi si dreamjob tam. Lístky na NOC IT si môžeš kúpiť tu, lístky na NOC Finance zas tu. Tešíme sa na teba.